

Reading Time: 2 minutes Mata Siddhidatri is worshipped on the ninth day of navratri. “Siddhi” means complete understanding or enlightenment & “Datri” is the one who gives. With the help of Eight siddhis mata blesses the devotee to attain a certain level of self realisation to develop that quietude of heart which springs from within. One who achieves these […]

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Reading Time: 2 minutes We are on the precipice of this amazing hike. But before we dive down, we need a leap of faith, an exhalation of fear, and an inhalation of hope. Materials of race and colour are all over the internet. But, this is something deep. This stands out of the petty movements or charming hashtags. The […]

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Preconceived notions about light and darkness have a variety of intersecting views. As a culture, we adore light and do away with the aura of darkness. We celebrate Deepawali, a festival of lights almost villainising darkness. But, like our culture, this notion too, has something more attached to it. We, as a generation have started […]

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Reading Time: 2 minutes You would have heard or read that these are hard times. But, the perks of being born as a human is the ability to create and cherish memories. So, in this piece let us scratch the card of old memories and see what good the past has got for us. Memories, of Durga Mata’s sculptures […]

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Reading Time: 2 minutes The fifth day of Navratri is all about celebrating and praising motherly love. On this day we worship Mata Skandmata, the mother of Lord Kartikeya, the commander-in-chief of the army of Devas(gods). Skanda is another name for Lord Kartikeya, Mata means mother; thus the name Skandamata. • She rides a lion and has four hands. […]

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Sometimes reality is too complex to be comprehended. Sometimes a story is a perfect getaway from reality not because it’s an alternate version of truth but because the reality seems non-viable. Well, thorough research across tons of scriptures has brought us to a crossroad where one way leads to a well established Vedic perception of […]

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Reading Time: 2 minutes It is the third day of Navratri and just like life, it’s passing quickly. This is no place to bore our avid readers with school quotes like ‘Life is a jigsaw puzzle.’ But you know what? there is a striking similarity between life and the puzzle, not just the fact that we need right pieces […]

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Reading Time: 2 minutes On the first day, we saw Mata as Prakriti. Prakriti is a rudimentary veil that enrobes the higher mystery of the Universe. To see through that veil, one needs Tapa. Yes, it is easier said than done but don’t forget we are aboard on an experiment. Let’s learn about Tapa, another manifestation of Mata, falling […]

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Mothers. We would probably never be able to write about them in this segment because then we wouldn’t be able to justify the ‘wee’ in WEECOGNITION. But here is a thing, whether we are a believer of a specific faith or an atheist, in some way or the other, we owe to our mother for […]

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Reading Time: 3 minutes Climate change, Global warming, Deforestation, terms we have often heard. But what has the world done to check this problem? Forget the world, what have we done for it. Our morning coffee, the clothes we wear, and every inch of travel by a motorised vehicle adds more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Forest fires and deforestation destroys around thousands […]

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