
The Elephant in the Room: India lacking in R&D

Reading Time: 9 minutes       Remember Swades, a classic. SRK plays an Indian expatriate NASA scientist Mohan Bhargav who travels to India to meet his nanny but gets affected by the condition in which the people of his country had been living for years, without electricity, without food or money and decides to stay back and work […]

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हिंदी हैं हम

Reading Time: 6 minutes “राष्ट्रभाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है” महात्मा गांधी “सभी भारतीय भाषाओं के लिए यदि कोई एक लिपी आवश्यक है तो वो देवनागरी ही हो सकती है” जस्टिस कृष्णस्वामी अय्यर हिंदी भाषा का इतिहास: हिंदी शब्द की उत्पति ‘सिन्धु’ से जुड़ी है। ‘सिन्धु’ ‘सिंध’ नदी को कहते हैं। सिन्धु नदी के आस-पास का क्षेत्र सिन्धु प्रदेश कहलाता है। संस्कृत […]

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Education System in Medieval India

Reading Time: 4 minutes For a distant eye, it is near to impossible to tell whether the origin of fire is a Yagna or cremation. But for ignorant flies, both are alike. The fire that we are talking about relates to the wisdom of the Vedas and collective knowledge that once dripped through the veins of education system of […]

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Decline of Education System in ancient India

Reading Time: 6 minutes बुद्धं शरणं गच्छामि।  धर्मम शरणं गच्छामि।  संघं शरणं गच्छामि।। “शरणं” means to take refuge. But you have to face persecution in order to seek  refuge. So, why did the Three Jewels which has a sacred place in Buddhism mentions of refuge? The seed of Buddhism was planted, nourished and grown under the beacon of light […]

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Education System in Ancient India

Reading Time: 6 minutes The convention dictates that if you plan on writing about ancient India, it should begin with a Sanskrit shloka. Well, what can I say? The cliché never gets old. So here is one, विद्या नाम नरस्य कीर्तिरतुला भाग्यक्षये चाश्रयोधेनुः कामदुधा रतिश्च विरहे नेत्रं तृतीयं च सा ।सत्कारायतनं कुलस्य महिमा रत्नैर्विना भूषणम्तस्मादन्यमुपेक्ष्य सर्वविषयं विद्याधिकारं कुरु ॥ […]

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