
Unveiling : China & Covid-19

Reading Time: 6 minutes The “Chinese” virus, 192 days of catastrophe…and counting. The first corona virus case came on December 31, 2019 from the city of Wuhan, China. Surprisingly, Wuhan was one of the first cities that was declared “corona free”. A lot of people believe that China is responsible for the spread of this virus. Even American president […]

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Education System in Ancient India

Reading Time: 6 minutes The convention dictates that if you plan on writing about ancient India, it should begin with a Sanskrit shloka. Well, what can I say? The cliché never gets old. So here is one, विद्या नाम नरस्य कीर्तिरतुला भाग्यक्षये चाश्रयोधेनुः कामदुधा रतिश्च विरहे नेत्रं तृतीयं च सा ।सत्कारायतनं कुलस्य महिमा रत्नैर्विना भूषणम्तस्मादन्यमुपेक्ष्य सर्वविषयं विद्याधिकारं कुरु ॥ […]

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