

Reading Time: 4 minutes You all have heard about the scams such as spectrum scam, coal scam and many more scams but the one we are writing about, ANTRIX-DEVAS, many of you might not have heard about. The scam involved our country’s own space research organisation i.e. ISRO and is another example why a single person should not hold two powerful spots at the […]

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Freedom Fighters

Mangarh Massacre

Reading Time: 5 minutes We have talked about massacres brutal than the Jallianwala Bagh. Some were even tried to be suppressed by the British and even the Indians. Let us wrap up the Independence Series with another massacre which was arguably the most brutal of them all. A movement which was an outcome of natural calamities, caste indifferences and […]

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Freedom Fighters

Neemuchana Massacre

Reading Time: 4 minutes We have heard stories of the inhumane genocide of Jallianwala Bagh committed by the British army led by General Dyer. Almost 1000 people were killed and many more were injured while holding a silent protest on the day of Baisakhi in 1919. But there was another massacre, one that was more heinous and brutal, one […]

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Freedom Fighters

Lala Jaidayal & Mehrab Khan

Reading Time: 4 minutes We all know about the Great War of Independence 1857. We have heard tales about Mangal Pandey, Nana Saheb and the Queen of Jhansi, Rani Lakshmibai. But there was also an uprising that took place in Kota district of Rajasthan in the same year led by Lala Jaidayal Bhatnagar and Mehrab Khan, and we have […]

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Freedom Fighters

Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi & Kanpur Riot of 1931

Reading Time: 5 minutes What would be the most sublime death? Perhaps it is a subjective question and each person would add his own idiosyncratic way of dying. For a soldier it would be on the battlefield, facing the foes. For many, the best way of departure would be sleeping and not waking up again. And still, those who […]

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Freedom Fighters

Motilal Tejawat & The Eki Movement

Reading Time: 4 minutes Public killings was one amongst many heinous crimes that were committed by the British, But how many of us know about the massacre in remote Bhil village of Gujarat on 7th March 1922, where around 1200 people died, houses were burned and many more were seriously injured. How many of us have heard the name of Motilal Tejawat, the […]

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Freedom Fighters

Khan Bahadur Khan & Battle at Bareilly

Reading Time: 7 minutes One of the most significant features of the rebellion of 1857-58 was that many scions of the former ruling houses took part in it. One such man was Khan Bahadur Khan (1860), a descendent of Hafiz Rehmat Khan (d. 1774). In this very blog of the Independence Week series, we will be throwing some light […]

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Freedom Fighters

Gunda Dhur & The Bhumkal Revolt

Reading Time: 4 minutes We have heard tales and read stories about the members of the freedom struggle, who fought for our independence. We have heard all about Gandhi and Nehru, Patel and Tilak . But there were some more whose names we have forgotten. And then there were some, whose names we might not have even heard of. […]

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Decline of Education System in ancient India

Reading Time: 6 minutes बुद्धं शरणं गच्छामि।  धर्मम शरणं गच्छामि।  संघं शरणं गच्छामि।। “शरणं” means to take refuge. But you have to face persecution in order to seek  refuge. So, why did the Three Jewels which has a sacred place in Buddhism mentions of refuge? The seed of Buddhism was planted, nourished and grown under the beacon of light […]

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Genesis of Militancy in Kashmir

Reading Time: 8 minutes January 19, 1990. Imagine a night in Srinagar, when the last quarter of the moon shone with a tint of silver and you realised that it was just another cold night in your hometown. You were in your bed and your family in other rooms of the house. Recent days were quite unpleasant and there […]

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