India Politics

Lal Salam Decoded

Reading Time: 14 minutes When Kobad Ghandy, a politburo and key figure of Communist Party of India (Maoist) was arrested by the Special Cell of Andhra Pradesh Police in South Delhi on the tip of his own party’s courier, it was a special instance. When he was presented before the court after two days of exhausting investigation, the courtroom […]

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India Politics

Massacre 1984

Reading Time: 12 minutes The years after 1947 is often termed as the post-independence era. An era filled with new challenges for the new and free India. A country free from colonial rule that faced atrocities and tyranny of the British. But there have been instances when actions of the ‘democratic’ government of India have been no less tyrant […]

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India Politics

Ram Setu : A National Heritage

Reading Time: 5 minutes “Hindus have destroyed the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya and it was time for the Muslims to take revenge by demolishing the Ram Setu” These words pretty much sum up the intentions of M Karunanidhi and the then UPA government for demolishing the Ram Setu. Yes, there was a time, almost a decade ago when the Ram […]

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India Politics

Uniform Civil Code

Reading Time: 7 minutes August 4, 1991 – The law-court of Hyderabad was brought a case where a 10-year-old girl was being sold for ₹6000 as a concubine to a toothless Arab national in the late sixties. The plan of Yahiya H.M. Al Sagish was to take his slave back to his country. When asked about his relationship with the girl, Al Sagish boldly admitted […]

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Indian Ordnance Factory

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Indian Ordnance factories are country’s oldest and largest single organisation in the defence industrial setup. It comes under the control of the Department of Defence Production of the Ministry of Defence. The first factory was set up in the year 1802 as a result of the British political and economic interest in India. Headquartered […]

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Genesis of Militancy in Kashmir (Continued)

Reading Time: 8 minutes   ‘Gar firdaus bar-rue zamin ast, hami asto, hamin asto, hamin ast’ If there is a paradise on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here. Moving south, looking back at your burning house with a heart colder than Srinagar’s snow, you asked,          ‘Where is that paradise? Where? Where? Where?’ […]

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Genesis of Militancy in Kashmir

Reading Time: 8 minutes January 19, 1990. Imagine a night in Srinagar, when the last quarter of the moon shone with a tint of silver and you realised that it was just another cold night in your hometown. You were in your bed and your family in other rooms of the house. Recent days were quite unpleasant and there […]

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Unveiling : China & Covid-19

Reading Time: 6 minutes The “Chinese” virus, 192 days of catastrophe…and counting. The first corona virus case came on December 31, 2019 from the city of Wuhan, China. Surprisingly, Wuhan was one of the first cities that was declared “corona free”. A lot of people believe that China is responsible for the spread of this virus. Even American president […]

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