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On the first day, we saw Mata as Prakriti. Prakriti is a rudimentary veil that enrobes the higher mystery of the Universe. To see through that veil, one needs Tapa. Yes, it is easier said than done but don’t forget we are aboard on an experiment. Let’s learn about Tapa, another manifestation of Mata, falling second on our road to unveil the ultimate mystery.

The second day of Navratri is about Mata Brahmacharini, perhaps the most misunderstood Goddess. Most worship her as a Goddess of celibacy. Although, she remained chaste all along her voyage across time to marry Shiva, yet her name doesn’t derive from ‘Brahmachari’. Here is all that is needed to clear the fog of ignorance built around Mata Brahmacharini –

• Mata Brahmacharini draws her name from ‘Brahma’ that means the tapa and ‘Charini’ that means an ardent female follower. This is the reason why Mother is interchangibly called Tapacharini in ancient texts.

• Mata adorns herself in effulgent white attire, with rosary in one hand and kamandal in the other.

• When Mata Parvati was in her youth, Narada visited her and told her that she was a rebirth of Devi Sati and shall try to marry Shiva in this lifetime too. The only way possible to please Shiva was through the path of penance. Mata, determined in her course of action, started living a life of a  Tapasvini. For a thousand years, she ate only fruits and flowers. Then for next hundred years, she ate only vegetables. Thereafter, for three thousand years, she fed on fallen leaves ( a reason why mata is known as Aparna). Seeing the state of her daughter living a life of Tapasvini and sleeping on the rocky floors of the cave, out of respect and pity, Queen Maina ( mother of Mata Parvati) sighed ‘U Ma’ ( a sanskrit word for O Mother! ). This is how Mata gets her name of ‘Uma’. Mata carried on her ways of penance and started living without food and water for many years. Meanwhile, lord Kama shot an arrow to seed desires in Shiva for Mata but Shiva got angry and opened his third eye on Kama and burnt him to ashes.

• But the tapa of Mata didn’t go in vain. Eventually, Shiva disguised himself and met Mata to discourage her from marrying Shiva. But when he saw the persistence and complete devotion of Mata, he came in his real form and agreed to marry Mata. 

• Since, Mata Brahmacharini is the epitome of Tapa, solitude, persistence and devotion, qualities that form the basis of yogic meditation soon after the initial phases, therefore Mata is worshipped on the second day of Navratri.

Brahmacharini is not worshipped as a single deity. She is worshipped along with her consort Lord Shiva. This symbolizes the penance she did to achieve him. So, she is worshipped with the Divine prize to represent that tapas pays. Hence, Lord Shiva has to be worshipped with full faith and devotion to please Brahmacharini.

As prayers to her also involves Brahma in no small measure, the chant during her prayers are: Om Brahmane Namah .

Mata Brahmacharini is blissful and endows happiness, peace, prosperity and grace upon all devotees who worship her. A person earns freedom from all the troubles and sufferings in life. Filled with bliss and happiness, Mata Brahmacharini is the way to liberation, Moksha.

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